Posterior Hip Replacement

Posterior hip replacement is the most common approach to total hip replacement used by surgeons across the world.

A mini-posterior approach provides the same advantages of the traditional approach with regards to position of the incision which is close to the buttock (on the posterior side). This is the easiest approach providing the surgeon ease of exposure of both the femur and the hip socket thereby minimizing the risk of femoral fracture and improper positioning of the implant. Posterior approach also minimizes the risk of nerve injury.

A mini-posterior approach provides the additional benefits of a minimally invasive technique. Here the incision is smaller, around 3-4 inches as compared to 10-12 inches in traditional approach. It also aims to spare the muscles during surgery so the muscles are split and not cut. This technique results in less blood loss, less post-operative pain, shorter hospital stay, extremely quick recovery and a smaller scar. The patient may return to daily normal activities within four to six weeks as compared to 3-6 months in a traditional approach.

The right candidate for the mini–posterior approach procedure depends on both extent and pattern of arthritis and bone structure. It cannot be used if you are obese, have a recent history of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), had an earlier hip replacement surgery on the same hip or are suffering from an unstable medical condition that may increase the risk of complications for the surgery.

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